Applying for a vacation scheme

Interested in a vacation scheme?

Here's how you can apply

Here's an outline of our application process for training contracts so you know what to expect.

1. The application form

On this form you tell us about yourself, your experience so far and what you know about us. Before you tackle this form, have a look at the tips below.

2. Online behaviour-based assessment

If you pass the application form screen we ask you to complete an online behaviour-based assessment. We are using this assessment because it provides a fair and objective way to help us understand your natural strengths and preferences. Best of all, you get an in-depth feedback report once you've completed the assessment.

3. Video interview

If you pass the online assessment, then we invite you for a video interview. This can be conducted at a time convenient for you, but within the set deadline. You're asked a series of pre-recorded questions which test how you would deal with scenarios you might face as a trainee. Don't be daunted – you get reading and thinking time to prepare your answer.

4. Immersive assessment day

This is the final stage. It's a two-way process, allowing you and us to discover whether we're right for each other through our immersive day in the life of, assessment day. For our part, we assess you through different exercises, which are designed to help you show that you've got what it takes to be a brilliant commercial lawyer.

Rare's contextualised recruitment system

This year, we are delighted to be using Rare's contextualised recruitment system. When you apply you will be invited to provide some additional information which should not take you more than five minutes. We ask you to share this information so that your application can be reviewed in the context of your socio-economic background (i.e.. so we can consider whether you overachieved in light of your wider personal circumstances). The CRS is a screen in tool, not a screen out tool, and under no circumstances are candidates ever marked down for supplying or not supplying this information.


Do your homework

Research our firm and make sure you understand what we expect from a commercial lawyer. Be clear on why this is the career for you. Have you already got skills that will come in handy? What are your strengths and weaknesses?

Know our selection criteria inside-out

Answer the question

Take an interest in business affairs

Adopt the right writing style

Be specific

Be yourself

Be enthusiastic

Check, check and check again

Want to know more?

Take a look at the FAQs about our vacation schemes. Hopefully they will answer all your questions.