Whiteboard: Tech law - Legal tips for tech startups
Our legal professionals share their expertise with you on a range of issues affecting technology companies including tips for startups, protecting your IP property, outsourcing, agreements and much more.
Please select a Whiteboard video from the list below:
- Legal Tips for Tech Start-Ups
With Tom Hunter - Doing Business in Canada
With Alan James - Intellectual Property
With Eric Gross - Venture Capital 101
With Bob Ford - Securities Issues for Private Companies
With Bryce Kraeker - Technology Patents
With Grant Tisdall - Freedom to Operate
With Jim Longwell - Employee Confidentiality/IP Agreements
With Melanie Polowin - Intellectual Property for the Mining Industry
With Robert Fashler - Non-Disclosure
With Charles McCarragher - The Demand for Patent Infringement
With David Pamenter - Outsourcing to China
With Andrew Foti - Licensing Arrangements for Intellectual Property
With John Hiscock - Trademark Protection
With Mike Bean - Rules and Regulations of Advertising in Canada
With Brian Fraser - Outsourcing
With Andrew Foti
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