Elizabeth Williams
Leader of Aviation, Aerospace and Defence (UK)
The Defence Reform Act 2014 (supported by the Single Source Contract Regulations 2014 No 3337) ("the Act") sets out a new statutory framework for single-source contracts, covering pricing and transparency. As single source procurement contracts form around 45% of the UK Ministry of Defence's (MOD) procurement budget, this new framework will have a significant impact on companies contracting with the MOD.
The Act seeks to crystallise into legislation and guidance the practice and expectations of the MOD and its previous voluntary arrangements, such as the non-legally binding system of "Yellow Book". Yellow Book dealt with profit and overhead cost, but failed to address the poor commercial leverage position of the MOD or provide incentives for efficiency.
The Act applies to qualifying defence contracts ("QDC") and qualifying sub-contracts ("QSC").
A QDC is a contract under which the MOD procures goods, works or services for defence purposes from another person. "Defence purposes" means for the purposes of defence (whether or not in the UK) or related purposes. It must have a value of £500,000,000 if entered into before 31 March 2015 or £5,000,000 if entered into after 31 March 2015. This is a significant change and will capture more contracts.
A QDC is a contract not excluded by the Regulations. Excluded contracts are contracts with Governments outside the UK, contracts under the framework of an international co-operative defence programme, contracts for the acquisition of land, the management or maintenance of land or buildings, or contracts relating to intelligence activities.
The aims of the Act are to achieve a new governance regime for qualifying defence contracts, supported by the SSRO, under which industry will receive a fair and reasonable price on single source work; and the tax payer will be protected and achieve good value for money.
It will be interesting to see how both the MOD and contractors respond to the Act. Watch this space.
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