Clive Chalkley
Co-leader of Real Estate Sector (UK)
Head of Real Estate Litigation (UK)
It has been common practice in the property industry for tenants to assign their leases to their guarantors, either as part of inter-group transfer or simply an agreement between the parties which permits the Landlord to maintain a strong covenant.
On 16 March 2016, the High Court in EMI Group Ltd v O & H Q1 Ltd [2016] EWHC 529 (Ch) ruled that such assignments are no longer possible.
The EMI case provides that any assignment of a lease (entered into after 1 January 1996) by a tenant to its guarantor is void.
If you are a landlord, tenant, guarantor or a sub-lessee of a lease in these circumstances, you should take immediate steps to regularise your legal position.
What are the likely consequences of this ruling?
Given that the decision has only been recently made, it is difficult to ascertain how the property industry will deal with the potential consequences outlined above. However, the ruling means that landlords, tenants, guarantors and sub-tenants are all left in a state of uncertainty and will need to take swift action to regularise their legal position.
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