Greg Standing
Head of Enterprise Risk Management
In the second of Motor Finance's two pieces on the FCA's review on early arrears management in unsecured lending, Greg Standing, partner and head of the retail and finance automotive sector group at Gowling WLG, outlines the key report's primary findings.
In December, the FCA published its Thematic Report on Early Arrears Management in Unsecured Lending, following its review on how firms engaged with customers in arrears, what forbearance options were offered, and what outcomes this led to. The key findings are:
The FCA has given feedback to the firms involved in its review so they can review their practices. The FCA states that it has seen a lot of good practice in the industry when dealing with customers in early arrears, but there's room for significant improvement in some areas. It expects firms to promote, embed and enforce the right culture to ensure the primary objective of doing the right thing for the market and consumers.
This article originally appeared in Motor Finance in January 2017.
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