Discussion ouverte sur la réglementation de la technologie blockchain 2018 | Traitement des défis liés à la réglementation de l’innovation perturbatrice (article en anglais)

2 minutes de lecture
15 août 2018

The Blockchain Research Institute (BRI) recently gathered nearly 70 global leaders in finance, law, government, academia and innovation for a special roundtable discussion that explored the challenges surrounding blockchain regulation.

Usman Sheikh, Gowling WLG partner and National Head of the firm's Blockchain & Smart Contract Group, co-led the forum with blockchain pioneer and co-founder of BRI Don Tapscott, along with other blockchain influencers. Together, they identified four core issues that should be addressed by regulators and the industry:

  • The lack of regulatory clarity
  • The obsolescence of statutes and regulations
  • The lack of a mechanism for meaningful dialogue between regulators and other stakeholders
  • The lack of dialogue between financial service providers and blockchain entrepreneurs, such that start-ups are rejected sight unseen

As one of the founding members of the BRI, we are pleased to share that Don Tapscott’s comprehensive report on the discussions and recommendations of the roundtable is now available for download:

2018 Blockchain Regulation Roundtable | Addressing the Regulatory Challenges of Disruptive Innovation

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