Andrew Smith
Pre-contract, exclusion clauses are often the subject of extensive debate, as commercially they are a key part of assessing and moderating risks. When disputes arise during performance however, will an agreed exclusion clause actually be effective to limit or exclude liability?
We consider two new Court of Appeal decisions which serve as reminders that each dispute will turn on the particular terms of the contract and the factual context, but also provide an insight into the application of the "reasonableness" test under the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 (UCTA).
At first instance, the Court held that Hall Fire's standard terms and conditions applied to the Contract.
The opening paragraph of Hall Fire's conditions:
"We draw your particular attention to the following specific conditions and assumptions on which the tender is based, unless qualified in our covering letter. Any contract would be based on our tender and these supplementary conditions sections 4 - 12 which do not provide for the imposition of any form of damages whatsoever and are based on English Law…" [emphasis added]
Clause 11 of the conditions:
"We exclude all liability, loss, damages or expense consequential or otherwise caused to your property, goods, persons or the like, directly or indirectly resulting from our negligence or delay or failure or malfunction of the systems or components provided by HFS for whatever reason. In the case of faulty components, we include only for the replacement, free of charge, of those defected parts [sic]. As an alternative to our basic tender, we can provide insurance to cover the above risks. Please ask for the extra cost of the provision of this cover if required."
Hall Fire was successful at first instance on the following preliminary issues: whether clause 11 was incorporated into the Contract and, if so, whether clause 11 was reasonable within the meaning of UCTA. Goodlife appealed.
By way of context to the Court of Appeal decision, the following points were common ground between the parties:
The Court of Appeal unanimously upheld the first instance decision and dismissed the appeal. Newly appointed to the Court of Appeal, Lord Justice Coulson delivered the leading judgment.
Key elements of the decision:
Goodlife's appeal was dismissed. Clause 11 operated so as to exclude any liability Hall Fire may have to Goodlife in tort.
In (1) First Tower Trustees Ltd (2) Intertrust Trustees Ltd v CDS (Superstores International) Ltd [2018], a differently constituted Court of Appeal also considered an clause against the reasonableness test under s11(1) of UCTA.
This dispute arose following a representation contained in replies to enquiries before contract - the grant of a lease by the Claimants (the Landlords) to CDS (the Tenant). At first instance, the Judge held that there was a clear case of misrepresentation by the Landlords relating to the presence or not of asbestos.
Amongst other contentions, the Landlords sought to rely on a "non-reliance" clause in the lease, clause 5.8:
"The tenant acknowledges that this lease has not been entered into in reliance wholly or partly on any statement or representation made by or on behalf of the landlord."
The Judge at first instance concluded that this was an attempt to exclude liability for misrepresentation to which the Misrepresentation Act 1967 (the Act) applied, meaning that it would only be effective if the clause satisfied the "reasonableness" test in UCTA. It was held that it did not - this was challenged on appeal.
We focus on the part of the dispute relating to the effect of clause 5.8 for these purposes.
In summary:
Again, in this case also, the Court of Appeal unanimously upheld the first instance decision. Clause 5.8 was therefore ineffective in this claim and the Landlords were liable for misrepresentation.
In these two Court of Appeal decisions handed down one day apart, one exclusion clause was upheld and one was ruled ineffective, both judged against the reasonableness test in UCTA.
Rather than indicating conflicting approaches by the courts however, the two decisions remind us that each clause (as Lord Justice Coulson put it in Goodlife) "… has to be considered in both its contractual and factual context. Some clauses will fall one side of the line; some the other. It is impossible to lay down prescriptive rules…".
Interestingly, Lord Justice Coulson did then go on in Goodlife explicitly to align himself with what he described as "…the trend in the UCTA cases decided in recent years ….towards upholding terms freely agreed….. ".
This may be the case, but in these two judgments under review, the differing decisions flowed directly from the contract wording and (as above) the factual context. There are clear distinctions which support the approach in each, rather than suggesting a conflict in the analysis applied. In Goodlife, Lord Justice Coulson reflected as follows: "UCTA remains in force to protect against unconscionable behaviour, I consider that it still has a valuable role to play. But I am in no doubt that there was no unconscionable behaviour on the part of Hall Fire, so in this case there is nothing for UCTA to protect against" - clearly confirming a case by case approach.
Whilst it is not therefore possible to lay down prescriptive rules in terms of UCTA reasonableness, there are some common themes that can be taken into account in order to protect your position as far as possible.
In our recent article on limiting and excluding liability, we set out points to consider when negotiating limitation or exclusion of liability clauses. The recent Court of Appeal decisions do not substantively change the position but highlight again that these clauses need to be considered in the context of the whole contract between the parties. The courts remain reluctant to interfere with commercial contracts but it does happen - each case will be determined on its own facts but you can best protect your business by being aware of the risks and/or uncertainties that can arise from exclusion and limitation clauses.
If you have any queries on this or any issue, please contact Ashley Pigott or Andrew Smith.
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