Sharon Ayres
Companies House has announced that, as from 25 March 2020, businesses will be able to apply for a three month extension for filing their accounts if required because of issues relating to COVID-19. This has been announced as part of a joint initiative between the Government and Companies House.
While companies will still have to apply for the three month extension to be granted before the accounts are due to be filed, those businesses citing issues around COVID-19 will be automatically and immediately granted an extension. Applications can be made through a fast-tracked, online system which will, according to Companies House, be a quick and easy process taking approximately 15 minutes to complete. Companies House has published guidance on how to complete the application online.
Please note that businesses that have already extended their filing deadline, or shortened their accounting reference period, may not be able to qualify for the extension.
The policy will be kept under review by Companies House and amended as necessary in light of the progress of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Companies House have also announced that their telephone helpline is closed as of 25 March 2020. Enquires should be directed to Customer Care Managers or by contacting instead.
Companies House same day services (such as company formations, name changes and certificate ordering services) are also currently suspended (but standard services are still available).
Companies House will be sharing updates on their services online.
You can sign up to obtain email update notifications directly from Companies House.
If you have any enquiries about the above, or need assistance with your applications should you wish to make one, please contact Frank Beeton or Rebecca Finding.
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