On Jan. 30, 2023, the Supreme Court of Canada launched its new Electronic Filing Portal to file documents. The web-based portal allows users to upload multiple documents per case. This is only the first phase of the portal; additional functions will be added over time.

The portal is to be used for all filings with the exception of documents that are subject to a sealing or confidentiality order (see Rule 19.1).

Gowling WLG's Supreme Court of Canada Services Group remains available to assist with all aspects of leave applications and appeals, and general advice about practice and procedure before the SCC, including the preparation and filing of documents via the new Electronic Filing Portal.

If you are trying to e-file directly, you will be asked to register as a user and provide an email address for validation by the Registry Branch. This email address will also be used for communication purposes with the Registry regarding filings through the portal. Filing parties will receive electronic confirmations of submitted documents with a summary of the information provided. Filing parties will also receive a confirmation when their documents are processed by the Registry.

The Electronic Filing Portal does not provide for service of documents on other parties, nor change the continuing requirements for filing proof of service of your documents, the filing of print copies per the Guidelines and paying applicable filing fees.

The Registrar has issued a Notice of Profession and the SCC website has been updated as of Jan. 30, 2023 to provide information about this new e-filing process:

Should you have any questions about this article or would like to discuss it further, please feel free to reach out to the authors or a member of our Supreme Court of Canada Services Group.