Mark Youden
Across Canada, governments and non-governmental agencies continue to implement various innovative waste management programs to divert waste away from landfills. These programs involve many product categories, including tires, batteries, electronic products, packaging and printed paper, beverage containers, and hazardous and special products.
This article is the latest instalment of Gowling WLG's ongoing bi-annual series that explores developments in product stewardship and extended producer responsibility (“EPR”) programs across Canada.[1] This review provides updates for the first half of 2024, including new and expanded programs and shifts from product stewardship to EPR models. We also provide insight into what companies can expect in the remainder of 2024 and beyond.
As highlighted above, EPR and stewardship programs across Canada continue to grow in number and scope. As these requirements evolve, companies must ensure they understand their obligations to maintain compliance and to navigate this changing landscape. Gowling WLG continues to monitor these programs closely and will publish further biannual updates and other updates on key changes to these programs.
The environmental law team at Gowling WLG has assisted and continues to assist many entities in meeting their EPR and stewardship requirements across Canada. If you have questions about your company's obligations, we encourage you to contact any member of our team.
[2] Single-Use and Plastic Waste Prevention Regulation, OIC No. 461, Part 2, 3 and s. 11 of Part 4.
[3] Government of British Columbia, Reduce single-use.
[4] ARMA Connect, Registration.
[6] MMSW, Saskatchewan Ministry of Environment Approves Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) Program for Household Packaging and Paper.
[9] RPRA, Administrative Penalty Order.
[10] RPRA, RPRA’s Updated Registry Procedures for Electrical and Electronic Equipment (EEE), Batteries, and Tires Regulations Now Available on the Environmental Registry of Ontario; RPRA’s Updated Registry Procedure for Hazardous and Special Products (HSP) is Now Available on the Environmental Registry of Ontario.
[11] RPRA, RPRA Will not Requirement a Performance Audit Report in 2024 for Batteries, ITT/AV and Lighting; RPRA Will not Require HSP Producers or PROs to Submit a Performance Audit Report in 2024.
[13] Recycle NB, New Brunswick’s transition to extended producer responsibility for packaging and paper expands across the province.
[14] Draft Amendments, Designated Materials Regulation, NB Reg 2008-54.
[15] Designated Materials Regulation, NB Reg 2008-54.
[16] Call2Recycle, Give your batteries new life, Nova Scotia. Recycle Them!.
[17] Solid Waste-Resource Management Regulations, NS Reg 25/96.
[18] Divert NS, For Producers of Recyclable Packaging and Paper.
[19] Government of Prince Edward Island, Prince Edward Island expands recycling program, adds electronics like smart watches.
[20] Materials Stewardship and Recycling Regulations, PEI Reg EC349/14.
[21] Government of Northwest Territories, Government of the Northwest Territories Response to Committee.
[22] Extended Producer Responsibility Regulation, YOIC 2024/19.
[23] Call2Recycle, Regulatory Update – Yukon.
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