Wendy J. Wagner
Cochef, groupe national Cybersécurité et protection des données; chef, Commerce international et douanes
At Gowling WLG, our International Trade Group is closely observing the commencement of investigations by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) into the pricing and subsidization of pea protein imports from China, prompted by claims of economic harm to Canadian producers.
Canadian companies Nutri-Pea GP Inc. and Roquette Canada Ltd. have raised concerns over significant market disruptions caused by these imports, including loss of market share, sales declines, and adverse effects on profitability and workforce.
Canadian importers of pea protein from China and Chinese exporters will be impacted by the investigation and may face very high import duties and market disruption because of the proceedings. The timelines move very fast and it is important for importers and exporters to participate early.
Investigation timelines:
Subject goods information:
Note: The above tariff headings may include both subject and non-subject goods.
A detailed statement of reasons will be available on the CBSA's website within 15 days from the investigation's start. For further information and for assistance with participating in the CBSA investigation and/or the CITT inquiry, please contact a member of our International Trade team.
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