Listed/quoted company transactions: 2023 in review

8 minutes de lecture
31 janvier 2024

Our Equity Capital Markets team experienced a busy 2023 which saw us remain one of the most active legal firms in the market.

In a year which saw new listings continue to be sparse, our team continued to be involved in multiple transactions and we are optimistic that we will see an upturn in activity in the equity capital markets arena in 2024.

Below are some of the highlights, covering floats, secondary fundraises and mergers and acquisitions spanning a range of market sectors and services.

Keen to find out how Gowling WLG can support your continued success into 2024? Speak with a member of the team for more on our corporate activity and to understand how our leading lawyers can bring clarity to complex and challenging matters, and solutions to your business needs.

We look forward to working with you in the year ahead.

IPOs and Re-admissions

Secondary Fundraises

Mergers and Acquisitions

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