Jian Xu
Managing Director
Head of IP Prosecution, China; IP Attorney, Patent and Trademark Attorney
Given China's vast market size and manufacturing capabilities, large-scale trade fairs are held regularly throughout the country. Among them, the Canton Fair stands out as one of the largest and most comprehensive in the world. Beyond serving as a key venue for sourcing goods, it also provides a valuable opportunity to identify and address intellectual property infringements, allowing businesses to proactively enforce their rights.
Whether you have already spotted counterfeit products or are simply looking to investigate potential infringements, the Canton Fair offers a unique platform to gather valuable information.
It provides several key opportunities for IP rights holders:
To maximize your chances of successfully enforcing your rights at the fair, prudent preparation is essential. Here are some steps to take before attending:
If action is taken against the infringer, you will receive a certificate documenting the outcome at the Complaint Reception Station after officials have taken action. This certificate is crucial, as it can serve as evidence in subsequent administrative or civil proceedings.
By following these steps and preparing in advance, you can effectively manage intellectual property complaints at trade fairs in China and protect your brand against infringement.
For more insights on Chinese IP matters, subscribe to Jian Xu's updates on LinkedIn.
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