Gowling WLG advises long-standing client Equiom on new phase of funding with private equity partners Värde & LDC

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Gowling WLG has advised long-standing client Equiom, the global professional services provider, on its partnership with global alternative investment firm, Värde Partners.

Värde has invested in Equiom as a long-term equity partner to help fund future expansion in line with the company's growth strategy. Värde joins Equiom's long-standing equity partner LDC, who have supported Equiom's growth since investing in the business in 2013.

Gowling WLG advised Equiom with a team led by corporate partner Andy Stylianou, supported by director Neil Hendron and associates Chelsie Taylor and Tom Smith.

Andy said: "We are delighted to support long-standing client Equiom on its new partnership with Värde Partners. Gowling WLG has worked closely with Equiom since its original buy-out in 2006 and the subsequent multi-jurisdictional growth of the Equiom brand, acting on various acquisitions across the world. The funding arrangement with Värde will support Equiom's on-going expansion into new markets and we look forward to working with the company as its strategy of organic and acquisitive growth continues."

Equiom's Global CEO, Sheila Dean, said: "The on-going support we receive from Andy Stylianou and the team at Gowling WLG is exceptional - their market knowledge and in-depth understanding of our business and strategic goals ensures that we receive the appropriate level of advice as we move into the next phase of Equiom's continued success."

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