Mandats représentatifs
Gowling WLG advises on £1bn sale of four Grange Hotels
Building on our success in acting on high value real estate deals, Gowling WLG has advised on the £1billion sale of four luxury hotels in central London.
The Grange Hotels, previously owned by the Matharu brothers, have been acquired by Queensgate Investments. The sale includes 1,300 guest rooms at the Grange Tower Bridge, Grange St Paul's, Grange City and the Grange Holborn, all of which will be rebranded under the five-star Leonardo flag.
Queensgate has an agreement with Fattal Hotel Group, a hospitality firm with 200 hotels across 17 countries, to run the assets.
Gowling WLG advised Queensgate Investments on the real estate and employment aspects of the acquisition. Our multi-disciplinary team comprised partners John Burns, Michael Twining, Michael Lacey and was led by principal associate Rachel Kerr. The team also included Louise Clifford, David Pettingale, Jess Watterson, Lizzie Wright, James Eddowes, Paul Lloyd, Heather Manning, Ranjit Srai, Nisha Minhas, Rezwana Chowdhury, Ben Brazel, Para Vegad and Rory Chatterton.
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