Un don unique de 200 M$ (le plus important dans l'histoire canadienne) de la fondation McCall MacBain crée des bourses d'études aux cycles supérieurs à l'Université McGill (en anglais)

2 minutes de lecture
13 février 2019

On Feb. 13, 2019,  John and Marcy McCall MacBain announced the McCall MacBain Scholarships at McGill University, created through a landmark donation of $200 million, the single-largest gift in Canadian history.

The McCall MacBain Scholarships will provide outstanding students from Canada and internationally with the opportunity to pursue a master's or professional degree, combined with a world-class enrichment program. The scholarships will invest in students who are developing expertise in their respective fields and have a track record of collaborating with others to understand and address important problems and challenges

Gowling WLG acted in the creation of the McCall MacBain Scholarships at McGill, as well as leading the structuring and implementation of the program with McGill University.

Gowling WLG was lead external counsel with a team led by Naïm Alexandre-Antaki and that included Carole Chouinard (tax/non-profits) and Laura Gheorghiu and Michael Bussmann (tax), with assistance from law clerk Karen Ethier (non-profits), Sophie Poirier (ADR) and Peter Fairey, QC (relationship partner).

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