SOL Global acquiert des titres de Frankly (en anglais)

1 minutes de lecture

On June 6, 2019, SOL Global Investments Corp. (CSE: SOL) (Frankfurt: 9SB) (OTCQB: SOLCF) announced that it had acquired common shares and common share purchase warrants of Frankly Inc. (TSXV: TLK), pursuant to a private placement offering of Frankly units and a series of trades on the open market.

This acquisition represented 16.3% of the issued and outstanding common shares of Frankly on a non-diluted basis and 22.5% of Frankly on a partially diluted basis. SOL Global acquired the securities for investment purposes.

Frankly builds an integrated software platform for media companies to create, distribute, analyze and monetize their content across all of their digital properties on web, mobile and TV.

SOL Global is an international investment company with a focus on, but not limited to, cannabis and cannabis-related companies in legal US states, the hemp and CBD marketplaces and the emerging European cannabis and hemp marketplaces.

Gowling WLG was counsel to SOL Global in this acquisition with a team that included Peter Simeon and Josh Almario.

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Sujet(s) similaire(s)   Cannabis, Fusions et acquisitions