ADCORE annonce son entrée à la TSX (en anglais)


On March 4, 2021, ADCORE Inc. (TSX: ADCO) (FSE: ADQ) announced that it had received final approval to list its common shares on the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX"). The company's common shares commenced trading on the TSX the same day and were concurrently delisted from the TSX Venture Exchange ("TSXV").

ADCORE is a leading provider of machine-learning ("ML" and "AI") powered advertising technologies used by digital agencies and advertisers to leverage digital marketing in an effortless and accessible way ("Effortless Advertising") with the goal of scaling activity and maximizing ROI. The company employs over forty people in its headquarters in Tel Aviv and satellite offices in Melbourne, Toronto and Hong Kong.

Jason Saltzman of Gowling WLG advised ADCORE with respect to this listing.

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Sujet(s) similaire(s)   Technologie, Marchés financiers