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Gowling WLG advises Cairngorm Capital on healthcare acquisition
Gowling WLG has advised private equity firm Cairngorm Capital Partners LLP on its acquisition of E-zec Medical Transport Services (E-zec), England's largest independent provider of Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services (NEPTS).
Established in 1998, E-zec provides a range of services to Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs). With a fleet of over 550 vehicles, the company operates patient transport to and from healthcare settings, including specialist high dependency crews and ambulances for critical inter-hospital transfers. E-zec is also a leader in bariatric provision, offering a UK-wide bariatric ambulance service, supporting both emergency services and planned hospital visits. E-zec employs 1,500 specialist staff across 31 depots and in 2020 achieved revenues of £50 million.
Cairngorm Capital's investment will allow E-zec to strengthen its data analytic capabilities and use the insights to deliver enhanced performance and innovation to commissioners and patients.
Gowling WLG's team advising on the deal was led by corporate M&A / private equity partner Ian Piggin, supported by Dhruv Chhatralia, Ben Parker (both corporate), Zoe Fatchen and Elizabeth Emerson (both tax).
Ian said: "The acquisition is Cairngorm's second in the medical services sector, following on from its acquisition of Millbrook Healthcare in 2019. Our experience in the sector was an important factor in us working with the Cairngorm team on both deals and the company's on-going growth trajectory."
Cairngorm Capital's investment was led by Dr Amit Thaper and Panita Vongkusolkit. Dr Thaper said: "E-zec is an excellent company that supports service users in accessing health care services, while also ensuring that the NHS is able to operate at the highest level. In a post-COVID-19 environment, we expect the services that E-zec provides to become even more important. E-zec has exciting growth potential, and is run by passionate individuals. Gowling WLG's expertise and in-depth knowledge of the healthcare market was invaluable throughout, we were pleased to have Ian and the team by our side on the deal."
Cairngorm Capital was also advised on this transaction by PwC (financial and tax), CIL Consultants (commercial), Willis (insurance), Equator (IT) and WA Communications.
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