Mandats représentatifs
Gowling WLG advises HydrogenOne Capital Growth plc on its £107 million Main Market listing
The investment funds team at international law firm Gowling WLG has advised HydrogenOne Capital Growth plc, a clean hydrogen-dedicated investment fund offering growth potential in clean hydrogen and related technologies on its £107.35m fundraise (including a strategic cornerstone investment of £25m by INEOS Energy) and its listing on the premium listing segment of the London Stock Exchange's Main Market.
Gowling WLG corporate partner, Kristian Rogers and associate, Chris Kay were the duo that advised on the listing. Kris said: "We are delighted to have advised HGEN on such a major recognition of its investment proficiency which mirrors the continued confidence in its fast-growing prospects and burgeoning portfolio."
Simon Hogan, chairman of HGEN said: "This IPO marks the start for the first London listed fund dedicated to the clean hydrogen sector. We welcome our new shareholders, and look forward to life as a listed fund. HydrogenOne is for energy investors who want to move beyond net zero now, not later, and deploy substantial growth capital into the solutions underpinning the energy transition."
Gowling WLG's Investment Funds team is one of the leading advisers to the investment funds sector, and brings together a wealth of talent covering tax, corporate, finance, regulatory and dispute resolution.
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