Mandats représentatifs
Gowling WLG advises Acciona on major waste to energy project
A multi-disciplinary team of experts from the law firm, Gowling WLG, has advised leading international infrastructure and energy business Acciona in its capacity as Main Contractor for the Kelvin Way Energy from Waste Project in West Bromwich. This is the UK's largest "pure-play" EfW project to date with an annual capacity of 395,000 tonnes.
The team from Gowling WLG advised on the EPC Contract, ancillary documents, Interface Agreement, real estate arrangements and key subcontracts, as well as providing detailed technical advice on issues ranging from fitness for purpose warranties, pass-down, cross-liability and default issues.
The advice provided demonstrated the ability of Gowling WLG to customise the team in a way that delivers against multiple legal requirements and focuses. This is reflected by the focus of partner Jonathan Brufal and principal associate Robert Currall on developing the key project documents, while partner Daniel Wood supplied construction support and partner Helen Emmerson provided real estate advice.
The firm demonstrated its collaborative skills further by liaising with a Scottish 'best friend' law firm, Burness Paull on aspects of Scots law.
Commenting, Jonathan said:
"We are delighted to have had the opportunity to support the Acciona team on their entry into the UK EfW market and to have been able to deploy our expertise across multiple practice areas. It has also been a pleasure to work in such a collaborative way to ensure that the portfolio of advice and legal support was watertight."
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