Mandats représentatifs
Gowling WLG advises Swiss impact fund Quadia in the acquisition of equity shares in French school Institut supérieur de l'environnement
Founded in 1993 and located in Versailles, the Institut supérieur de l'environnement (ISE) has pioneered the higher education in France in the environment and sustainable development sectors.
To support its growth and rapidly emerge as the reference school in France in these fields, the ISE enters into a partnership with Swiss impact found Quadia with the acquisition of a minority stake.
Founded in 2010 in Geneva, Quadia (Guilhem Ricci and Josep Segarra) is one of the first impact-investment funds in Europe.
Gowling WLG has advised Quadia with a team led by Patrick Mousset (Partner - M&A-Private equity), Géraldine Gonzalvez (Senior associate - M&A-Private equity) and Emilie Renaud (Partner - Tax).
ISE was advised by Calinaud David Avocats, with partner Geoffrey Malaussena, and associate Florian Mari.
With this new deal, Gowling WLG France confirms its commitment and active involvement in investment sectors with impact, including education. As for example, in last October, the Paris office advised Educapital and Ring Capital on French online training platform O'Clock's Serie A with partner Barbara Jouffa and senior associate Mathias Briatta.
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