Mandats représentatifs
Gowling WLG advises Sdiptech AB (publ) on its acquisition of Rolec Services Ltd and One Stop Europe Ltd
The electric vehicle (EV) sector team at international law firm, Gowling WLG, has advised the publicly listed infrastructure technology group, Sdiptech AB (publ) ("Sdiptech") on its acquisition of specialist EV charging point designer, manufacturer and retailer Rolec Services Ltd and One Stop Europe Ltd (together "Rolec").
Jakob Holm, CEO of Sdiptech said: "Rolec has for the past ten years been able to gain a strong market position in UK within the growing EV segment, with over 200,000 charge points installed. The fact that they can combine their own electric vehicle charging range with either their own back-office charge-point management platform or a third parties management platform provides numerous exciting opportunities".
Full service legal advice was provided by a cross firm team led by corporate partner Ragi Singh (Head of EV) at Gowling WLG and included Rachel Mobberley, Lewis Broome (Corporate), Luke Kempton, Zoe Pearman and Matt Harris (IP and IT), Tom Rank (Tax), Rebecca Jones and Charlotte Whitehead (Employment) and Jyoti Jhall and Stephen White (Property).
Sdiptech Head of M&A, Steven Gilsdorf commented: "We knew that by using Gowling we would, once again, receive exceptional levels of service, technical (but pragmatic) advice and impressive strength in depth across the team. Also, the added bonus of using lawyers who really understood the EV market cannot be underestimated. Ragi's ability to give us an informed view on where the short to medium-term commercial (as well as legal) risks and opportunities lay meant we received much more than just top tier legal services. Gowling's knowledge of the EV market meant they acted more as a rounded business advisor in this deal and we are sure they will play a key role in our strategic growth in the EV/charging infrastructure sector in the future."
Gowling WLG is a sector focused international law firm with a dedicated EV and Net Zero sector team.
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