Synergy Disc Replacement Inc. completes three-cornered amalgamation

1 minutes de lecture

On May 7, 2021, Synergy Disc Replacement Inc. ("SDRi ") completed a three-cornered amalgamation with its subsidiary SDRi Surgical Solutions Canada Inc. ("SDRi Subco") and Synergy Spine Solutions Inc. ("S3"). Pursuant to the transaction, S3 acquired all of the issued and outstanding securities of SDRi in exchange for securities of S3.

S3, the resulting company, is a spinal medical device company headquartered in Cambridge, Ontario, with an additional office in Louisville, Colorado.

Gowling WLG advised SDRi with respect to this transaction with a team that included Tom Hunter, John Durdan, Radhika Vaidyanathan and Angelica Wilamowicz (corporate) and Paul Carenza (tax).

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