CCOC obtains municipal tax exemptions and multi-million dollar tax refund on Ottawa properties

2 minutes de lecture
12 décembre 2022

On December 12, 2022, the Ontario Superior Court issued a consent order to Centretown Citizens Ottawa Corporation ("CCOC"), resulting in a multi-million dollar tax refund for the organization. This was a significant win for CCOC, one of the largest affordable housing providers in Ontario.

Members of Gowling WLG's Municipal Group had earlier commenced a Superior Court application on CCOC's behalf, seeking municipal property tax exemptions that would apply to over 45 of CCOC's properties. The exemptions related to CCOC providing affordable housing pursuant to the test under s. 3 of the Assessment Act. 

The team was successful in advancing its position and CCOC obtained exemptions for the majority of the properties. The result is a significant tax refund for the housing provider and an exemption for the properties from future municipal taxes.

CCOC is a community-based, tenant and member directed, non-profit organization whose mission is to create, maintain and promote housing for low and moderate income people. The organization owns and manages more than 50 properties, the majority of which are in Ottawa's Centretown neighbourhood, providing over 1,600 affordable apartments to residents of the city.

The Gowling WLG team was led by Roberto Aburto, supported by Michelle Cicchino and Kelly Duquette, with additional services provided to CCOC by Michael Polowin and Colin Green.

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