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Clearview Strategic Partners acquired by Syntrio in cross-border transaction
On February 14, 2022, Syntrio announced it had acquired ClearView Strategic Partners.
Syntrio, based in Chicago, Illinois, is a global leader in governance, risk, compliance and human resource solutions that help organizations make the workplace a better place. ClearView, based in Toronto, Ontario, specializes in ethics reporting and whistleblower hotline solutions that connect people and organizations. The company has become a recognized leader with the widely adopted solution, ClearView Connects™, which empowers employees to speak up and organizations to understand and address what they hear.
With the acquisition of ClearView, Syntrio now offers more choices for customers who have unique ethics reporting and whistleblower hotline requirements, especially in markets outside the US.
Gowling WLG advised Clearview with respect to this transaction with a team that included David Howell, Travis Evens and Emily Coulson.
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