Mandats représentatifs
Pensions team appointed as legal adviser to Unisys UK pension schemes
Following a competitive tender process, Gowling WLG has been appointed by Unisys UK Pension Trustee Limited to act as the legal adviser for the three defined benefit pension schemes operated by Unisys in the UK.
The three schemes, the Unisys Pension Scheme, the Unisys Payment Services Limited Pension Scheme and the Unisys Public Sector Pension Scheme have an aggregate asset value of around £1 billion.
Gowling WLG will provide the full range of legal services to the trustee board, including advice on governance issues, legal compliance, risk transfer exercises, and disputes. The core advisory team for the trustee is Suzanne Mortimer, Stephanie Nicholls-Hinks, Danielle Hudspith and partners, Jason Coates and Paul Feathers. Aaron Dunning-Foreman will advise on disputes and Laura Charles on investment matters.
The schemes' principal employer is Unisys Limited, part of Unisys Corporation, the global information technology solutions company that delivers advanced technology solutions to businesses and governments around the world.
Suzanne Mortimer, legal director at Gowling WLG, who will lead the relationship on a day-to-day basis, commented: "We are looking forward to building on our long-standing relationship with one of the Unisys schemes as we provide support to Unisys UK Pension Trustee Limited on all three schemes going forward. We are pleased that the Trustee recognised our experience and expertise in the key areas which will be important to it over the coming years."
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