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Ronin Equity Partners acquires DK2 and two other firms
On July 11, 2022, private equity firm Ronin Equity Partners announced the creation, through three simultaneous acquisitions, of the leading North American diversified manufacturer of small- to medium-scale outdoor power equipment and utility trailers.
Two of the businesses, DK2 Inc. ("DK2") and SnowBear, are based in Ontario, and the third business, Currahee Trailers, is headquartered in Georgia.
DK2 pioneered the combination of online ordering (via close partnerships with major home improvement chains like Home Depot and Lowe's) with door-step delivery of previously difficult-to-package outdoor power equipment and utility trailers.
Based in New York City, Ronin Equity Partners makes control equity investments exclusively in the Industrial and Consumer sectors.
Gowling WLG advised both DK2 and its sellers with respect to this transaction with a team that included Kelby Carter (banking), Tiffany Lee Bianchi, Ian Palm and Blair Somerville (corporate/M&A), Andrew Bratt (employment) and Anita Nador (IP).
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