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Savvas Learning Company completes cross-border acquisition of Rubicon Publishing
On March 1, 2022, Savvas Learning Company announced its acquisition of Rubicon Publishing, Inc., the developer of Canada's most widely used all-digital math program.
Headquartered near Toronto, Rubicon is the provider of MathUP, an inquiry-based math program for students in grades K-8 that has become the best-selling online math product in Canada.
Savvas, headquartered in Paramus, New Jersey, is a leading provider of next-generation learning solutions across all K-12 grade levels and disciplines around the globe.
Gowling WLG was Canadian counsel to Savvas in this acquisition with a team that included Peter Bouzalas, Marcus Hinkley and Ashley Andaya (corporate/M&A); Ian Macdonald and Elad Gafni (foreign investment review); Paul Carenza (tax); John Peters (employment); Shelagh Carnegie, Kevin Sartorio and Kristen Kilroy (IP); Parna Sabet-Stephenson (technology); Daniel Hayhurst (pensions); and Christopher Oates (data protection).
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