On June 23, 2023, 1663439 Alberta Ltd. sold its 50% ownership stake in Cougar Contractors Ltd. and 2126178 Alberta Ltd. to Almeida Investment Management Inc. of Calgary, Alberta.

As a result of this transaction, Almeida Investment Management now owns a 100% of both Cougar Contractors Ltd. and 2126178 Alberta Ltd.

Cougar Contractors Ltd., based in Calgary, provides construction management and project management services. 2126178 Alberta Ltd. owns real estate. 

Gowling WLG advised the seller in this transaction with a team that included Frank Sur, Simanpreet Panaych, Zafar Jaffer, Melanie Condic and Andrew Miles (corporate), Chris Dennehy and Matthew Morris (banking), and Carl Hinzmann (tax), assisted by student-at-law Robyn Macdonald.