Cooper Equipment Rentals acquiert Warner Rentals et Scotty's Rentals and Landscaping (en anglais)

2 minutes de lecture
11 juillet 2023

On July 11, 2023, Cooper Equipment Rentals Limited ("Cooper") announced the acquisitions of Warner Rentals Ltd. ("Warner Rentals") and Scotty's Rentals and Landscaping Ltd. ("Scotty's"), further  expanding Cooper's branch and specialty footprint in western Canada. 

Warner Rentals was founded in 1975 and currently has five locations in Kamloops, Princeton, Revelstoke, Salmon Arm and Scotch Creek, British Columbia. Founded in 2007 and headquartered in Rock View County, Alberta, Scotty's specializes in providing climate control equipment – including heaters, generators, and tarping services – as well as fencing for residential construction. 

Established in 1972, Cooper is a leading, Canadian-owned and operated construction equipment rental company. With 68 locations in six provinces, Cooper provides unmatched service and support coast to coast, along with all equipment needs – including general tools, earth moving, heavy equipment, aerial, climate control, trench safety and pump and power.

Gowling WLG advised Cooper with respect to these acquisitions with a team that included Robert Hull, Jason Mullins, Francesca Gimson, Hourak Rahmani, Carson Foggin and Sheree Scharge.

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