Banking & Finance team advises Caisse d'Epargne Grand Est Europe and Crédit Agricole Alsace Vosges on financing for the amalgamation of VISO and IMC

1 minutes de lecture

Chaired by Guillaume Lohr, the Alsace-based group, VISO, acquired the Strasbourg schools OMNIS, HORIZON and OSCAR in April 2022. Its amalgamation with the Lorraine-based group, IMC, consisting of the schools IMC and EXCELMA, enables VISO to expand its education offering and to become a leader of the education sector in the Grand Est region.

The group now includes five schools (OMNIS, IMC, HORIZON, EXCELMA, OSCAR) and seven campuses (Strasbourg, Metz, Nancy, Luxembourg, Forbach, Saint-Julien-lès-Metz).

The Financial Engineering & Structured Finance teams of the Caisse d'Epargne Grand Est Europe (Oliver Leyre, Nicolas Dalu, Frédéric Garion, Catherine Stock) and the Crédit Agricole Alsace Vosges (Alina Mourey, Thierry Stroh, Lucie Wedrychowski) were assisted by law firm Gowling WLG (Danhoé Reddy-Girard, partner; Amine Lachheb, associate).

VISO was assisted by law firms PRAD Avocats (Jessica Hess, partner; Angélique Burgard and Mathilde Lissonnet, associates) and ORION - Avocats & Conseils (Olivier Bilger and Pascal Schmitt, partners; Adeline Bezault, associate).

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