McRock Capital et d'autres actionnaires concluent la vente de Clearpath Robotics à Rockwell Automation (en anglais)

1 minutes de lecture
02 octobre 2023


On October 2, 2023, Rockwell Automation, Inc. (NYSE: ROK), the world's largest company dedicated to industrial automation and digital transformation, announced that it had completed its acquisition of Ontario, Canada-based Clearpath Robotics Inc., a leader in autonomous robotics, including autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) for industrial applications.

McRock Capital was one of several investors in Clearpath involved in this transaction. McRock first invested in Clearpath in September 2020 as part of a US$34 million Series C financing transaction. This exit transaction marks the sixth successful strategic sale from McRock's Digital Industrial portfolio.

Derek Keay of Gowling WLG advised McRock with respect to this transaction.

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