NII purchases Kincardine building with plans to create modern training and research hub

2 minutes de lecture
19 avril 2023

On April 19, 2023, the Nuclear Innovation Institute (NII) announced plans to turn an existing building in Kincardine, Ontario's Bruce Energy Centre into a state-of-the-art training and applied research hub. NII purchased the 33,000 square foot facility earlier in April.

The investment reflects NII's commitment to provide existing and future workers—in nuclear and other industries—with opportunities to develop the skills required to prosper in an increasingly automated, digital economy. It will also give NII a place to run innovation projects that require test facilities in adopting the new technologies that can accelerate the drive for excellence in the nuclear industry.

Located in an industrial park across from the Bruce Power Visitors' Centre, the building's classrooms and open industrial space will be converted into a top-flight facility outfitted to teach skills required in electricity generation and construction, as well as incorporating the emerging technologies like robotics and virtual reality that are changing the nature of workplaces.

NII will partner with Bruce Power, the Power Workers Union, post-secondary educational institutions and others to develop and deliver training programs that meet the highest educational standards.

Gowling WLG advised NII with respect to this purchase with a real estate team that included Carole Chouinard, Darrell Daley and Christina Pawliszyn.

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