Pandell Technologies acquise par ESG (en anglais)

1 minutes de lecture

On June 1, 2023, Pandell Technologies Inc. ("Pandell") completed the sale of all of its issued and outstanding shares to ESG, a global leader in energy SaaS solutions. In connection with the transaction, Pandell also completed a pre-closing reorganization that included the conversion from a corporation to an unlimited liability company.

Gowling WLG advised Pandell with respect to the transaction. Greg Peterson was lead lawyer and Jason Mullins and Andrew Wong were responsible to run the transaction. Others members of the team included: Paul Carenza and Anita Yuk (tax); Alex Ross, Melissa Binns, and Braden Sheps (banking); Carson Foggin (corporate); Arielle Sie-Mah (employment); Jeff Coles (intellectual property); Elad Gafni (Investment Canada and Competition Act); and Josie Chahal and Alex Goodman (corporate services).

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