PartnerHero completes cross-border acquisition of Summatti

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On May 4, 2023, leading customer operations outsourcing innovator PartnerHero acquired Summatti.

PartnerHero, headquartered in the US, is a provider of premium customer operations outsourcing, including customer support, trust & safety, content moderation, and quality assurance. The company has offices in the US, Honduras, Romania and the Philippines, and remote employees in dozens of additional countries.

Headquartered in Waterloo, Ontario, Summatti is an AI-powered conversation analytics platform for customer experience teams that automates the process of conversation review and surfaces real-time insights. 
Gowling WLG acted for both the target and the acquirer in this transaction. The PartnerHero team consisted of Paul Carenza and Michael Bussmann (tax), Garrett Hamel and Martin Roy (corporate) and Amy Derickx and Nicole Hilliard (employment). The Summatti team consisted of Stephanie Hayes and Michelle Kumar.

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