Mandats représentatifs
Corporate team advises RefrigiWear on its acquisition of FlexiTog
Our Corporate team has advised US headquartered insulated work apparel provider, RefrigiWear LLC ("RefrigiWear"), a Sentinel Capital Partners portfolio company, on its purchase of protective coldstore and sub-zero temperature workwear supplier FlexiTog UK Ltd together with its Dutch subsidiary ("FlexiTog").
The acquisition allows RefrigiWear to strengthen its existing partnerships, with FlexiTog's established reputation providing a solid foundation for growth across the UK and Europe.
The team providing advice on the acquisition was led by corporate partner Chris Towle and principal associate Christopher Letters, with support from associates Annabel Brown and Andreea Serban.
Commenting, Chris said: "It has been a pleasure to advise RefrigiWear in relation to what is likely to be a crucial acquisition for the group's future prosperity, as it continues to add to and grow its portfolio."
Gowling WLG's global corporate practice offer a complete range of services, from domestic and cross border M&A, private equity and joint ventures through to complex reorganisations, providing industry-leading legal support and sector expertise to deliver on clients' objectives.
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