Corporate team advises Perwyn on its strategic investment in Crosta & Mollica

3 minutes de lecture
19 janvier 2024

Our Corporate team has advised European private equity investor Perwyn on its strategic investment in Crosta & Mollica.

Perwyn will support Crosta & Mollica as it continues apace with its international expansion while maintaining momentum in the UK through sustained product innovation, exceptional customer service and brand investment. Crosta & Mollica founder James Orr and the incumbent team will remain with the company and be joined on closing by David Milner, a highly experienced food executive who arrives as chairman having held leadership positions at Tyrrells, Lily's Kitchen and St Pierre.

Crosta & Mollica is a B-Corp certified branded grocery business achieving exceptional growth through the contemporary reimagining of Italian classics across multiple categories including pizza, gelato and aperitivo snacks. Authentically 'Made in Italy' using premium ingredients and regional recipes, the brand has established a devoted following amongst consumers and can be found in leading supermarkets in the UK and across Europe.

The team from Gowling WLG which advised Perwyn was led by partner Chris Towle with support from associates Rory Chatterton and Jessica Waldron, and principal associate Christopher Letters and (corporate), partner Navin Prabhakar, senior associate Sarina Mann, associate Kimi Shah (banking and finance), principal associate Rebecca Jones, associate Philipp Borisov (employment), and Of Counsel Sanjay Mehta (tax).

Chris Towle commented: "This is a fantastic opportunity for Crosta & Mollica to expand its international presence and innovate its products and services, utilising Perwyn's proven track record and experience in the sector. The investment will help enable Crosta & Mollica in becoming a leading global Italian food brand, while remaining true to its authentic Italian roots. I'm excited to see what the future holds for the company."

Gowling WLG's global corporate practice offer a complete range of services, from domestic and cross border M&A, private equity and joint ventures through to complex reorganisations, providing industry-leading legal support and sector expertise to deliver on clients' objectives.

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Sujet(s) similaire(s)   Aliments et boissons, Droit des sociétés
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