Mandats représentatifs
Real Estate team advises Government Property Agency on the acquisition of five acres of the former Central Retail Park in Ancoats, Manchester
Our Real Estate team has advised the Government Property Agency (GPA) in respect of the acquisition of five acres of the former Central Retail Park in Ancoats, from Manchester City Council (MCC).
This is an important step in advancing the GPA's plans to build Manchester Digital Campus, a new Government office complex in the city, bringing together a number of Civil Service departments with a focus around digital skills.
The team which advised the GPA included principal associate Jane Reyersbach, head of Commercial Development and Investment Felicity Lindsay, and consultant Tim Steele.
Felicity Lindsay said: "We are delighted to have advised the GPA on this significant commitment to Manchester to deliver a new digital campus. Such an investment supports the Government's levelling up agenda and promotes Manchester's continued economic growth. The regeneration of a large disused brown field site at the heart of the city centre will undoubtedly create employment and offer wider business opportunities in several different sectors."
Gowling WLG is home to one of the UK's largest real estate practices. For further information, visit our Real Estate sector page.
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