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SOL Global portfolio company Andretti Acquisition Corp. completes business combination with Zapata AI and lists on NASDAQ
On March 28, 2024, Zapata Computing, Inc. ("Zapata AI") announced that it had completed its business combination with Andretti Acquisition Corp. (NYSE: WNNR), a special purpose acquisition company and portfolio company of SOL Global Investments Corp. ("SOL Global").
The combined company, which was renamed Zapata Computing Holdings Inc., will operate as Zapata AI and its common stock and warrants began trading on April 1, 2024 on the Nasdaq stock exchange under the ticker symbols "ZPTA" and "ZPTAW", respectively.
Zapata AI is an Industrial Generative AI software company developing solutions to solve enterprises' most difficult, industrial-scale problems.
SOL Global is a diversified international investment and private equity holding company.
Gowling WLG advised SOL Global with respect to this transaction with a team that included Peter Simeon and Sharagim Habibi.
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