Protéger vos inventions en Chine : le guide du droit des brevets dans ce pays (guide en anglais)

2 minutes de lecture
10 novembre 2022


China Patent Law Guide coverOn April 1, 1985, the first Patent Law of the People's Republic of China came into force, part of the China's sweeping push to modernize the country into an industrial superpower.

Nearly four decades later, companies across the globe are looking to China's economy – now the second largest in the world – as an opportunity to grow their businesses and introduce their products to more than a billion new consumers. Many such companies, however, are quick to discover that the ability to navigate China's notoriously complex patent regime is a steep price for entry into this thriving market.

Stay one step ahead

For IP practitioners who must learn to negotiate this legal landscape strategically, our China Patent Law Guide serves as an easy-to-read, searchable and continuously updated resource. Covering patent registration, enforcement, and transactions, the guide is tailored to provide readers with a comprehensive understanding of Chinese patent law and practice.

For additional questions or advice related to Chinese patent law, please email Dr. Jian Xu, managing director of Gowling WLG Beijing.

Download our guide here

Table of contents

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Sujet(s) similaire(s)   Propriété intellectuelle, Brevets



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