La politique relative à Cuba sous Trump : conséquences extraterritoriales pour le commerce international (en anglais)

52 minutes de lecture
26 février 2019

The Cuban Liberty and Democratic Solidarity (Libertad) Act of 1996 strengthens and continues the United States embargo against Cuba. Title III of the Act (also known as "Helms-Burton") authorizes U.S. nationals with claims to confiscated property in Cuba to file suit in U.S. courts against persons that may be "trafficking" in that property.

In this on-demand webinar, Gowling WLG and Akerman provide a status report of the Trump Administration's Cuba policy and the extraterritorial implications to companies and individuals if Title III of Helms-Burton is implemented.


This webinar qualifies for up to one hour of substantive content toward the mandatory CPD requirements of the Law Society of Ontario. It will also count for up to one hour of CPD under the rules of the Law Society of British Columbia, and up to one hour of continuing education credit under the rules of the Barreau du Québec.

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