L’accord Israël-Émirats arabes unis : implications pour le commerce international (webinaire en anglais)

53 minutes de lecture
15 octobre 2020


The UAE officially normalised relations with Israel on 15 September. Although the peace treaty is of huge historic value for a number of reasons, the real importance lies within the untold economic opportunities for the both countries.

The breakthrough in diplomatic relations has opened the gates for businesses to explore new collaborations with the most significant to be seen within the technology sectors of which both countries are so highly regarded for. The scene has now been set for investment and trade to evolve in the Middle East.

Our Gowling WLG professionals from the Dubai office and award winning Israel desk delve into the details from a business perspective sharing their expertise in tech, corporate and M&A in an interactive panel discussion.

We are pleased to welcome Eliav Benjamin, Director of the Coordination Department of the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the panel to assist us in unpacking the significant opportunities to come for the UAE and Israel. We are also delighted to have Oded Orgil, President of the Canada Israel Chamber of Commerce join us to provide a welcome, followed by Galit Baram, the Israeli Consul General in Toronto and Western Canada who will provide some opening remarks at the outset of our discussion.

This event was presented in conjunction with the Canada Israel Chamber of Commerce.

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