Opportunities for schemes looking to do buy-ins and buy-outs of under £200m

13 août 2020


In a market that was dominated by larger transactions, 2019 was a difficult year for pension schemes looking to execute small buy-in and buy-out transactions. The reduced demands from larger schemes for insurers' capacity thus far in 2020 has created a window of opportunity in the second half of the year to execute smaller transactions on attractive terms.

Our joint webinar with LCP is tailored for trustees and companies looking to execute buy-in and buy-out transactions of under £200m. Paul Feathers, David Stewart and Rachel Hirst discuss:

  • Why now is a good time to approach the bulk annuity insurance market
  • What schemes can do in order to maximise insurer engagement and get the best pricing available
  • The benefits of approaching the market using a streamlined approach
  • How using pre-negotiated bulk annuity insurance contracts can save you money and reduce your risks

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