Overview of government funding programs for U.S. based businesses operating in Canada and the UK

52 minutes de lecture
18 juin 2020

In this webinar, the global professionals at Gowling WLG review various government funding programs to which Canadian and UK businesses can apply. This includes businesses controlled by a US parent corporation. These programs take the form of either directed loans through financial intermediaries or direct government funding.

The speakers will also review the capacity of US companies operating in Canada and the UK via a branch to apply for the above programs. A Q&A session will follow the discussion.

CPD/CLE Details

LSO: This program is eligible for up to 1 hour of Substantive content
Quebec: A certificate of attendance will be issued to professionals after this session
LSBC: This program is eligible for up to 1 hour toward the LSBC's CPD requirement
LSAB: This program is eligible for up to 1 hour of credit toward the CPD program

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