L'énergie propre et la protection de la propriété intellectuelle (Webinaire en anglais)

26 minutes de lecture
15 décembre 2021

Participant Gowling WLG:

Safeguarding intellectual property in the cleantech sector comes with many unique challenges. Roch Ripley, a Gowling WLG partner who leads the firm's Intellectual Property Group in Vancouver, recently connected with Jeanette Jackson, CEO of the cleantech ecosystem accelerator Foresight, for an engaging and illuminating podcast on this very subject. The pair were joined in conversation by Business in Vancouver publisher and editor in chief Kirk LaPointe, who hosted the podcast.

Ripley, who is also a member of Gowling WLG's Hydrogen Group, focuses his patent prosecution practice across multiple technology-related sectors, including e-commerce, AI, VR/AR/MR, clean technology, and hydrogen.

Click below to watch a full recap of the discussion:

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Participant Gowling WLG

Participant Gowling WLG

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