Around the world, the protection of artificial intelligence-based inventions has pushed courts, IP offices and patent professionals into uncharted – and occasionally abstract – new territory. Such challenges notwithstanding, a strategic understanding of this evolving IP landscape is critical for anyone looking to maximize the significant opportunity that AI presents across all sectors.

Join members of Gowling WLG’s global Intellectual Property Group as they distill the key considerations that underpin an informed approach to protecting AI-based technology, both at home and abroad. In doing so, they will explore the many ways AI is being deployed today, while also highlighting important issues related to subject matter eligibility, trade secrets as an alternative to patenting, and international prosecution strategy. The panel will include Matt Hervey, head of Gowling WLG's AI group and co-editor of The Law of Artificial Intelligencean essential practitioner's reference book examining emerging laws specific to the use of AI.

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