Decarbonising the Energy Sector with Hydrogen

11 mai 2021


How is hydrogen evolving as part of the energy mix and what role can it play in supporting energy decarbonisation? And, what are the main barriers to hydrogen becoming a significant component of future energy usage?

In our latest on-demand webinar, Co-chair of Gowling WLG's global Energy team, Gareth Baker, joins Natural Resources Forum, to discuss the decarbonisation of energy with hydrogen.

In conversation with sector-leaders HydrogenOne Capital, ITM Power, and TCRK Energy, our panel explore:

  • how the renewable is offering an alternative solution for decarbonisation and its vast opportunities for accelerating energy change;
  • the infrastructure investments needed in each of the markets to develop hydrogen from localised "cluster" production into a national and international opportunity;
  • investment prospects and the role of the government to support the development of hydrogen business models; and
  • much more.



  • Gareth Baker, Partner, Gowling WLG [Chair]
  • Richard Hulf, Managing Director, HydrogenOne Capital
  • Graham Cooley, CEO, ITM Power
  • Tom Bruton, CEO, TCRK Energy

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