Survol de la fiscalité des technologies en 2021 : tendances pour les F&A à l'étranger (Webinaire en anglais)

57 minutes de lecture
23 juin 2021

Conférenciers Gowling WLG:

Curious about new developments in the taxation of tech? This engaging webinar brings together a panel of tax experts from Canada, the UK, France, Mexico and the US to discuss current and upcoming trends in this space. In particular, the panel will focus on companies wishing to expand outside the US by way of acquisition.

The full list of topics that are addressed are as follows:

1. M&A structuring trends:

  • Mixed-cash and stock deals
  • Tax-efficient structuring pitfalls
  • New transaction disclosure requirements (e.g. DAC 6, Québec disclosure)

2. Taxation of management and employees:

  • Management incentives (e.g., options)
  • Independent contractor re-classification
  • Employee mobility

3. Post-acquisition considerations (e.g., IP location)


  • Mariana Eguiarte Morett - Partner, Sánchez Devanny
  • Zoe Fatchen - Partner, Gowling WLG
  • Laura Gheorghiu - Partner, Gowling WLG
  • Emilie Renaud - Partner, Gowling WLG
  • Julia Ushakova-Stein - Partner, Fenwick & West

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*This program is eligible for up to one hour of substantive CPD credits with the LSO, the LSBC and the Barreau du Québec, and may be eligible for up to one hour of CPD/CLE credits in other jurisdictions.

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