The role of a special committee

Governance, Activism and Investigations Webinar Series

2 minutes de lecture
28 mai 2021

Gowling WLG Speakers:

In our first webinar in the series, we focused on special committees and the role they play within an organization. Calgary partner Greg Peterson led a panel discussion to address a number of issues facing Canadian company C-levels, including: 

  • When to establish a special committee
  • Who should serve as members
  • The compensation of committee members
  • The responsibilities of the committee members and chair
  • How to properly govern a special committee
  • The relationship between the special committee and the board of directors and management


  • Greg Peterson - Partner, Gowling WLG
  • Kathleen Ritchie - Partner, Gowling WLG
  • Cyndi Laval - Partner, Gowling WLG
  • Cameron Crawford - Special Committee, Rocky Mountain Equipment

*This program is eligible for up to 1 hour of  substantive CPD credits with the LSO and LSBC, and may be eligible for up to 1 hour of CPD/CLE credits in other jurisdictions. 

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